In 2006 the Sapling Foundation started curating TED (Technology Entertainment and Design), a global set of conferences seeking to spread innovative ideas. TED was founded in 1984 as a one-off event, and the conference was held annually and has been host to many of the brightest minds in the world, including Bill Gates, Larry Page, Richard Dawkins and many Nobel Prize winners.
Some of the best ideas spread by TED presenters have been related to marketing. These presentations help to put important marketing-related issues into context and uncover simple truths about persuasion and engagement. Whether you market your own small business or a Fortune 500 company, you can take away valuable information and insights from these great speakers.
1. Dan Cobley: What physics taught me about marketing
2. Seth Godin on standing out
3. Malcolm Gladwell on spaghetti sauce
4. Derek Sivers: How to start a movement
5. Seth Godin on the tribes we lead
6. Virginia Postrel on glamour
7. Chris Anderson of WIRED on tech's Long Tail
8. Rory Sutherland: Life lessons from an ad man
9. Philippe Starck thinks deep on design
10. Ze Frank's web playroom
11. Barry Schwartz on the paradox of choice
12. Dan Gilbert asks, Why are we happy?
13. Alisa Miller shares the news about the news
Which one of these presentations is your favorite?
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